Over Rot |

11 november- Zuursalon over Koji-kin, de schimmel die álles kan.


Wat is de overeenkomst tussen sojasaus en sake? Dat het antwoord iets met fermenteren te maken heeft kun je op je klompen aanvoelen. En inderdaad, deze totaal verschillende voedingsmiddelen zijn het product van dezelfde schimmel: Aspergillus oryzae, ook bekend onder de naam koji-kin. Deze schimmel is de basis van een waslijst aan Japanse gefermenteerde gerechten, zoals verschillende soorten sojasaus en miso, maar ook de Japanse rijstwijn sake, non-alcoholische zoete rijstdrank amazake en de zoete rijstwijn mirin.

Op 11 november presenteert meneer Wateetons zijn vier Zuursalon bij Mediamatic. En je raad het al, over deze schimmel, die álles kan.  Tijdens deze avond leer je alles over schimmels, proef je verschillende soorten sake, ontdek je dat de Japanners dit gejat hebben van de Chinezen en leer je hoe je je eigen miso maakt!

De verdere informatie hieronder komt van de, Engelstalige, site van Mediamatic. De avond over koji is gewoon in het Nederlands.

De sprekers

Jasper Swierstra

When it comes to molds and food, most people immediately think of the green fluff that grows on your forgotten sandwiches. But this and many other molds are often also beneficial for your foods and beverages. Microbiologist Jasper Swierstra (PhD candidate at Erasmus MC) will tackle common questions like: What is the difference between yeasts and fungus? How to distinguish the good from the bad micro-organisms? Is there a way for to differentiate between different types of molds? And off course how and why they grow.

Alice de Jong

Alice will show us ancient writings that reveal the true origin of miso and soy sauce. Also she will tell what koji was used for in the Chinese history.

Simon Hofstra – Taste of Sake

Simon is the owner of Taste of Sake and carries the Japanese title ‘Sake Samurai’. As a sommelier in a Japanese Michelin star-restaurant he came in touch with real Japanese sake. Ever since 1998 he tries to make the world familiar with the sophisticated world of sake. He will teach us how sake is made. And he will make us taste some nice sake.

Meneer Wateetons

Meneer Wateetons is the curator of Zuursalon and the host of the evening. He will tel us about the possibilities of Koji and how to work with it at home. He will bring some of his own products made with Koji from home and make the audience smell and taste it.

Zuursalon: Koji edition
Friday 11 November, 20:00
Tickets: Students €5,- / Pre-sale €7,50 / Door €10,-
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijspark 6, Amsterdam


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